Pet Sitter of the Month for December 2010

Frank is Employee of the Month for December 2010!  He continues to deliver great service.  In December, Frank had 28 straight days of overnight visits for his fur pals. There is no weather too cold, nor snow too deep to keep Frank from pet sitting or dog walking for our beloved friends. He gives our doggies the daily exercise they both want and need!

Pet of the Month for December 2010

Coco is NJ Pet Sitters Pet of the Month for Decebmber 2010Congratulations to Coco in Lyndhurst – NJ Pet Sitters Pet of the Month for December 2010! Coco, a once dog-aggressive puppy, learned to be good on her walks when she sees other dogs.  Her behavior was modified through proper training from her owners, and our efforts to reinforce the correct behavior.  She now goes for walks in the neighborhood like every other dog.  Coco is proof that American Pit Bulls get a bad rap, as she is one smart, obedient and loving dog!