Potty Train Cats – Your Cat Can Use the Toilet

Cat on the toiletGetting to know your cat’s behavioral patterns is key to having an valuable relationship with your pet.  Cats are very intellectual animals, but they are also creatures of habit. Many wonderful relationships between parents and their cats are ruined every day because of poor potty habits; often the frustrations leads to abandonment and their cats are sent to pounds.  There is a very low demand for older cats in animal shelters. Please don’t have this happen to your loved ones!

Every cat owner understands that the relationship that they have with their cat is one of the most rewarding things in life. It is typically believed that cat owners survive longer because of the love that they give and get back from their kitties. Some pet owners prefer cats, and some think dogs are man’s best friend, but people feel that felines and dogs are totally different pets. Dog owners know that their pets are very forgiving in their relationships, but cats require more attention. While dogs may mark their territory by going to the bathroom in areas that we know are unacceptable, they can easily be shown to do this outside of the residence. Cats can easily be shown to use the litter box, but keeping up this behavior is much more arduous.

There are many ways to keep your cat satisfied using a litter box. Proper maintenance and regular cleaning with ammonia will go a long way. Replacing the entire litter instead of just removing the poop will help to achieve the intended result. In addition, using a litter box bag will help in the maintenance of this process. Some of the bad parts of all of this maintenance is the amount of invaluable time and money. Repeatedly replacing cat litter and bags can be very expensive over the life of your cat. The median life span of a domesticated inside cat is 16.5 years, as opposed to 3 years for ferile outdoor cat. If you calculate the expense of buying these materials over the life of your cat, the expense will be significant. In addition, the typical cat owner has 2 cats, so this cost is theoretically amplified. This is true because you should have at least one litter box per cat.  Wouldn’t it be better to just flush the toilet after them instead?

Many people have seen in current films that the concept of potty training your cat is idealistic, and typically thought of to be comedic. Although most cat owners find this unbelievable, those that have trained their cats to use the toilet have saved thousands of dollars and months of time.  The possibility of training cats to use toilet bowls instead of a litter box could be a reality. Think of your furry feline friends, and allow them the same comfort that we have become used to ourselves…going to the bathroom in a toilet!

2 thoughts on “Potty Train Cats – Your Cat Can Use the Toilet

  1. A lot of people ask the question of how do you train cats to use the toilet, and many don’t believe that it’s possible. For some cats, it’s fairly easy. For others, it’s close to impossible. It will require a great deal of attention and time, and it may cause some health concerns (such as not being able to check your cat’s litter box for abnormalities).

    Just wondering, what do you think is the most effective device to use for transitioning from the litter box to the toilet? Metal bowls? Toilet training devices?

    Thanks, love the blog!

    • There are a few products out in the market that can be used. I do not personally endorse one product over another, but there are many out there for relatively low cost that all do the same thing. Basically they are plastic add-ons to your toilet that you put litter in to get them to be used to continuing to go in the litter but on the toilet. You then slowly remove part of the plastic piece (adjustable) to ease the transition. Thanks for the comments and love your blog too! Nice to find you out there helping kitty lovers!

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